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The Weekly Update: Rock, Paper, Scissors

Paper: As the deadline of the paper is fast approaching at midnight, I'm making the last few touches on my essay before I turn it in (and as we all know, I probably won't find it perfect until 11:59 am). There's just too much to talk about and not enough ways of saying it. The reflective action of it is nice; it's essentially a really, really long journal.

Scissors: A game that cut me in two. The game is called the Waiting Game, and it takes the players through what it is like to be an asylum seeker....with all of the amount of patience that it requires. I played as the mother with a young child who is fleeing from domestic abuse in El Salvador, and for weeks, every day was the same. There are tiny little things that she mentions that sends chills down your spine if you understand the meaning (for example, why these people were staring at her), and I almost started crying at the points where her son asks to go home. Given time constraints, and upcoming AP Exams, I am unable to play through all of the routes, especially given that I'm still not at the end of the first. Perhaps the coolest aspect of the game, however, is that all of it is based on real interviews and real stories.

Rock: Between a rock and a hard place. I am limited to 250 words

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