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The Conference: Part 1

No school!!! Kinda. Today, I am going to a research conference titled “Trafficking in Persons and the Crisis of Violent Extremism” put on by the Center for International Development at the Rockefeller College. Due to my mother being a professor at the College, she used her connections, and now I’m very happily sitting at one of the tables. I have a little experience with the topics, having contributed to a group paper on Human Trafficking last year and spoken many a speech on extremism. But how does this relate to my project? 

My project focuses on immigrants in the Capital Region, and due to several factors, many immigrants fall into the trap of “a better life”. Human trafficking victims are often ones that have no connections, no hope, and no better prospects, and human traffickers prey on those who are easy targets. Imagine if you were in a foreign country, barely being able to speak the language, and someone walks up to you and offers you a place to stay as long as you work for them. Anything is better than staying in the street, so you go. Not knowing any better, you accept their offer and follow them to their workplace; your fate has already been sealed. And often, these traffickers are recognized or even important members of the community, as this gives them better access to potential victims. Recent trafficking criminals, according to the director of the Human Smuggling and Trafficking, have been a cheerleader, a minister, a candle shop owner, and a navy sailor. All of those people seem normal, seem kind, but they have ulterior motives in mind. As the conference continues, I’ll continue to post updates on my thoughts and questions about the topics, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll be able to understand a little more about the struggles of those who are the victims. 

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