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Our Home, Our Town, Our Country

About me:

My name is Llewellyn Searing, and I live in Altamont, New York. My hobbies include hiking, camping, and playing the cello; I love pretty much everything about the outdoors. What inspired me to do this project is the fact that I have friends that go through American society and grew up in American society, but technically aren't American citizens. And with the current situation going on with the DACA administration  and the rising hate of immigration in some parts of the country, I figured it would be an interesting project to see how people of different ages adapted to moving to the USA and learn how they kept pieces of their own culture. After all, it's hard to hate someone that you feel empathy for; the stories and lives of these immigrants will hopefully make the immigration fight a little more "personal" and clearer for some. 

About E=mc2:

The E=mc2 course is a course that is designed by each student in his/her area of study. The student creates his/her own assignments, writes a journal of his/her thoughts, and ultimately builds a story out of all of the research at the end. Throughout the course, students will learn what area of research and creative thinking needs improvement; the areas include creativity, communication,critical thinking, collaboration, and curiosity. At the end, students should know how to use logos and pathos to engage their audience at a final symposium of all of the projects from that year.




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