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Our Home, Our Town, Our Country

— Franklin D Roosevelt

Remember, remember always, that all of us, you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.”

The world is changing every minute, every second. America is changing. New York is is changing. However, those changes need not alienate those who weren't born in the USA and those who might not yet be official citizens.


 America prides itself on its values of freedom and kindness, so it should welcome those who seek its help. Under the current administration, the future of many intelligent, kind, and hardworking individuals is at stake, including those who live here in the Capital District. When we see the headlines on flashing television screens about DACA and immigration, we may think about it as a far-away problem, a problem "that isn't ours". But it is. Immigrants are our next-door neighbors, the people we wave to in the grocery store, and the people we see walking their dogs. Immigrants are the classmates of your child or the classmates of yourself. The only thing that is different is simply where they were born. My hope for this experiment is that I can tell the stories of these immigrants, explain the immigration process (visas, green cards, etc.), show that they are a part of all of our lives, and show just how much they consider America their home


Yours Truly, 

Llewellyn Searing

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